Support Independent Living & Specialist Disability Accommodation

While SIL and SDA sound similar there are two major differences between what the funding can be used for. In short Supported Independent Living (SIL) refers to on-site supports and services that the participant requires for day-to-day living and Speciality Disability Accommodation (SDA) is the dwelling that a participant is living in. In some circumstances, participants require specialist housing solutions and daily living support and can apply for both SIL & SDA funding.

What You Might Need to Know About SIL & SDA

SIL - What is it and how can I apply for the funding?

One of the options for NDIS participants’ funding is Supported Independent Living (SIL). This type of living is provided to participants with physical or mental disabilities who require housing and want to continue to live as independently as possible.

To be eligible for SIL funding the participant with disabilities is required to be unable to live independently or with family members. SIL can provide these participants with an opportunity to live in shared houses and receive the supports they need. This type of living provides the participant with an opportunity:

  • “pursue their goals

  • improve or sustain their functional capacity, helping participants do more things with less support

  • reduce or sustain their need for person-to-person supports

  • create better connections with their family, community, health services, education and employment.”

Daily living supports in SIL accommodation may include household tasks e.g, cleaning and meal preparation and will assist with medical needs such as managing medications and appropriate administration. Additionally, it will support personal care support such as transfers, showing, and dressing. SIL encourages participants to live independently as possible while helping with individual development and skills.

In order to apply for SIL funding you will require the followings items:

  • A roster of care may be required if this is your first plan with SIL funding or if the participant has experienced a change in circumstances in which the support needs cannot be delivered within the existing funding.

  • An assessment of the participant’s support and accommodations needs

  • Daily living support needs outlined

  • An Allied Heath Professions such as an OT report is to be written on the participants’ behalf.

SDA - What is it and how can I apply for funding?

Another option of housing that is provided by NDIS is Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA). This type of housing provides solutions for participants that require specialist housing options and extensive support due to functional impairment or very high support needs.

The participants that are eligible for this type of housing can live either in a shared place with other like-minded people or independently. With SDA accommodation the participant can work with their OT to find a housing solution that is appropriate for their individual needs and requirements.

This housing option/funding does not have onsite support services and refers to the house or apartment that the individual would be living in where supports and services can be delivered. With SDA funding participants will still be required to pay some rent contributions and day-to-day living costs e.g. electricity bills, however building and maintenance costs will be paid directly to the SDA provider with your SDA funding.

“Participants eligible for SDA:

  • have an extreme functional impairment or very high support needs

  • meet the specialist disability accommodation needs requirement and the NDIS funding criteria”

In order to apply for SDA funding you will require:

  • An Occupational therapist to complete a functional capacity assessment

  • An Occupational therapist is to write a report outlining how the participants meets the SDA rules/criteria.

Can I be funded for both SIL & SDA?

Yes, depending on the participant’s needs, requirements and disabilities they may be eligible for both SIL & SDA funding. If you are eligible for both SIL & SDA our team will be able to combine these reports and provide the NDIS with all the information they need.

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Choose Two Sense Therapy

Choose Two Sense Therapy to help you with your SIL or SDA journey. Whether it be complex or basic our Occupational Therapists are here to advise on best-in-class solutions that fit your lifestyle.